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Legacy Raven


Raven accounts

Raven accounts are managed by University Information Services. They are available to staff and students of the University and to others who need to use Raven for University business. Most staff and students automatically receive a Raven account when they first arrive at the University.

To login to Raven you normally use your Raven password which is common across all of Raven, Hermes, and Desktop Services/MCS. However accounts created before 18th February 2014 had their own distinct password - these will be upgraded when you next change your password.

Even if you have a working Raven account, you won't automatically be able to access every Raven-protected web site since many sites are only available to particular groups of people. If your Raven account works in general but you are having difficulty accessing a particular Raven-protected resource than you should contact that resource's operator or help desk for advice - see Why can I access some Raven-protected web sites but not others? for more information.

If all else fails, problems with the Raven service should be referred to the UIS Service Desk.